What Can a Paralegal Do for You?
Confused as to what a paralegal can do for you? I get calls daily starting with... "I am not sure what a paralegal can offer..."
Consider if you are you owed money and want to sue, or are being sued for up to $35,000, Lawfully Yours can provide efficient services to prepare, present, and litigate your Plaintiff's Claim throughout all stages of the matter.
Do you need help in preparing, filing, process serving, and presenting your Defence? Lawfully Yours can help.
Have you encountered procedural errors in Small Claims Court?
Do you need a Motion, Garnishment, or other Enforcement proceeding, for example, a Judgment Debtor Examination, Writs (Land and Personal Property) or a Sheriff's Sale, prepared and processed? Lawfully Yours can help.
Not getting any answers in regard to your legal matter(s)?
Frustrated with litigation delays?
Dealing with difficult Landlords or Tenants? Jaclyn can help negotiate a settlement for an early resolution, or provide services to properly prepare your case at the LTB.
Are you entitled to a Default Judgment? Do you have a judgment from LTB that needs to be enforced in Small Claims? Lawfully Yours can help.
Tribunals Ontario, is a group of 13 adjudicative tribunals that play an important role in the administration of justice in Ontario. Each year our tribunals receive and resolve nearly 100,000 cases - providing fair, accessible dispute resolution to thousands of Ontarians.
Tribunals include for example: an Assessment Review Board, Fire Safety Commission, Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, Landlord and Tenant Board, Licence Appeal Tribunal, Ontario Civilian Police Commission, Ontario Parole Board, Ontario Special Education Tribunal (English), and the Social Benefits Tribunal to name a few. The kinds of disputes addressed at tribunals are extremely varied.
This platform resolves disputes in the social, property assessment, safety and licensing sectors.
These are all important issues that touch people's lives in fundamental ways daily. All People who appear before tribunals have the right to fair and accessible dispute resolutions, and that is a primary commitment to all Lawfully Yours' clients.
Are you having issues with your Condo Board, or a new home warranty, Tarion?
Jaclyn offers services preparing applications and representation at CAT, the Condo Authority Tribunal. The Condominium Authority Tribunal (CAT) is Ontario's first fully online tribunal!
The CAT uses an efficient online dispute resolution system (CAT-ODR) to help people resolve certain types of condominium-related disputes conveniently, quickly, and affordably.
The CAT has expanded their jurisdiction and they can currently accept applications about a range of issues including Condominium Records, Pets and Animals, Vehicles, Parking and Storage, Noise, Odours, Vibration, Light, Smoke and Vapour, and Compliance with Settlement Agreements.
Do you find that you need a BAF dispute for a Tarion Decision Appeal? Effective September 11, 2020, Tarion implemented a new policy to proceed with BAF arbitrations virtually through Zoom, or in writing, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
There are many areas of law in which a P1 licensee can offer services.
Court hearings for Tribunals and Small Claims Court are for the most part, currently being conducted remotely during the current pandemic and for the foreseeable future at this time.
Call today to find out if Lawfully Yours can help you and your legal needs. 289-221-1121.
*You are not considered a client until such time as a retainer agreement is completed, fully executed and implemented.
Call Jaclyn in to ACTION on your behalf.
What a Paralegal is Authorized to Do
The regulatory scheme set out in the Law Society's By-Law 4 permits paralegals to practise in what were already permitted areas of practice. Subsection 6 (2) authorizes licensed paralegals to represent someone:
- In Small Claims Court
- In the Ontario Court of Justice under the Provincial Offences Act
- On summary conviction offences where the maximum penalty does not exceed two years less a day
- Before administrative tribunals, including the Financial Services Commission of Ontario
A person with a paralegal licence can do the following in the course of representing a client in any of the above-mentioned proceedings:
- Give legal advice concerning legal interests, rights or responsibilities with respect to a proceeding or the subject matter of a proceeding
- Draft or assist with drafting documents for use in a proceeding
- Negotiate on behalf of a person who is a party to a proceeding
As of May 1, 2007, paralegals are not permitted to appear in Family Court. Other than under the supervision of a lawyer, paralegals may not provide legal services that only a lawyer may provide, such as drafting wills or handling real estate transactions or estates.
Don't be overwhelmed or overcome. Be prepared with Paralegal Services from Jaclyn P. Solomon. Jaclyn is also a Broker/ RECO/
Jaclyn owns and operates Lawfully Yours Paralegal Services, in York Region. She also offers law firms both on and off site services , which includes Document Brief Preparation, Proof Reading, File Organization, Computer Skills on PC Law, Advance Lexis Nexis Research, Practice Panther Office Management, Microsoft Office and Mac Iworks. Her dependable servicing and processing services are available on an as needed basis.
After changes to legislation, a paralegal is now automatically a notary public by virtue of office. This is a non-restrictive life-time appointment.
Her services provide well thought out, researched and prepared strategies, to get the best possible results. Attention to detail as well as action-focused direction, gets her clients resolutions quickly and effectively. Her superb communication skills in both verbal and written aspects have proven effective. Her experience recognizes conflicts of different parties which are understood and dealt with in a caring, time efficient manner.
Her work is carefully outlined, detailed, and allows for the unexpected to be incorporated effectively and within the boundaries of the laws that best represent you and your case.
She is bound by ethics, conduct, and responsibilities as governed by the Law Society of Ontario. Her integrity is paramount.

Benefit from Jaclyn's experience, skills, knowledge & trusted service.
To help clarify what Paralegals can and cannot do please review the following:
The regulatory scheme set out in the Law Society's By-Law 4 permits paralegals to practise in what were already permitted areas of practice. Subsection 6 (2) authorizes licensed paralegals to represent someone:
- In Small Claims Court ( matters up to $35,000)
- In the Ontario Court of Justice under the Provincial Offences Act
- In summary conviction offences where the maximum penalty does not exceed two years less a day
- Before administrative tribunals
Can paralegals provide legal services related to immigration law?
Paralegals who are licensed by the Law Society are eligible to provide legal services in the field of immigration law pursuant to Law Society Bylaw 4, section 6 (2) (iv). Bill C-35- An Act to Amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA), came into force on June 30, 2011. The Bill strengthens the rules governing those who provide immigration advice or representation for a fee or other consideration. Jaclyn does not hold the separate designation of the ICCRC. The services she can provide are very limited in this area of practice. To learn more about the types of individuals who may represent you, for immigration related matters, visit the Web site at www.cic.gc.ca. If you are in Canada, you can also contact the Call Centre toll free at 1-888-242-2100. You are not obliged to hire a representative for immigration matters. The Government of Canada treats everyone equally, whether they use the services of a representative or not. If you choose to hire a representative, your application will not be given special attention nor can you expect faster processing or a more favourable outcome.
Bill C-35 amends section 91 of the IRPA (Immigration and Refugee Protection Act) to, among other things, recognize paralegals as authorized to act as paid representatives if they are a member in good standing of a Canadian provincial / territorial law society. Thus, paralegals regulated by a law society should be treated in the same manner as Lawyers and Quebec notaries, as outlined in section 5.2 of manual chapter IP9. The bulletin is available online.
The Law Society of Upper Canada and the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC) are working together on a special, streamlined admissions process for licensed paralegals who want to become a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC).
Paralegals licensed by the Law Society may represent a client before the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) and may provide legal services to clients for matters relating to an IRB hearing. However, other immigration-related legal services not connected to an IRB hearing are outside of the paralegal scope of practice, and federal law requires professionals to be registered with and regulated by the ICCRC.
As of May 1, 2007, paralegals are not permitted to appear in Family Court.
Other than under the supervision of a lawyer, paralegals may not provide legal services that only a lawyer may provide, such as drafting wills or handling real estate transactions or estates.
Lawyers handle all real estate transactions, including title searches, document preparation and registration, and the closing of the transaction.
Who can assist you in preparing a will or power of attorney? A lawyer will work with you to ensure that your wishes regarding the distribution of your estate are protected. You may wish to have a lawyer help you prepare a power of attorney. This document enables you to appoint a trusted loved one or friend to make decisions on your behalf if you become incapacitated.
Jaclyn can assist you with a Statutory Accident Benefits (SABS) claim, such as income replacement or medical expenses (chiropractic or physiotherapy treatments, for example). However, you should consult a lawyer if you have been seriously injured. Jaclyn offers Mediation, Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolutions and Negotiations.
Lawfully Yours offers solid integrity, a realistic approach, dedication and determination.
*Regarding Family Matters;
You need to consult a lawyer for all issues relating to family law, so that you are fully aware of your rights and obligations. A lawyer will guide you through the process and prepare all the necessary documents, such as separation agreements and those relating to contested or uncontested divorces. Your lawyer will work with you on issues of child custody, access matters, as well as spousal and child support, and the division and equalization of property.
Paralegals are not permitted to give advice about family matters or represent anyone in Family Court.
If you cannot afford a lawyer, you may be entitled to assistance from Legal Aid Ontario (LAO). As well, Family Law Information Centres are located in every family court location and provide free information and help about issues related to separation, divorce and other family law matters. If you don't qualify for legal aid, you may be able to obtain help from duty counsel - lawyers assigned to provide assistance in the courtroom to people who need it. In family courts, duty counsel can give advice, prepare and review documents, represent people on some motions and hearings, and assist with settlement negotiations.
Through the Access to Justice Act, 2006, the government designated the Law Society of Ontario as the body to oversee the regulation of paralegals as part of its role in regulating all legal services in Ontario. Ontario is the only jurisdiction in North America that regulates paralegals.